
Team Building


Are you an “upper” or a “downer” to others?

By Drake Editorial Team

Whether you affect people positively or negatively doesn’t only determine what people think of you and their willingness to help you. It also profoundly influences how valuable you are to your employer...

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Personal branding through social media – the top 4 rules to success (part 2)

By Drake Editorial Team

In my last post I discussed the benefits to personal online branding and why every business professional should consider their online brand to generate more value from their social media use.

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Q & A from the webinar "managing your personal brand through social media"

By Drake Editorial Team

Question: What do you think of a candidate who sets up a profile under her maiden name so that her current employer will not know she is trying to change careers?

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The benefits to personal branding through social media – part 1

By Drake Editorial Team

Too often you see CEOs, new grads, experienced and in-experienced professionals miss the mark with creating and marketing their personal brand. 

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Six strategies to building a stronger team

By Drake Editorial Team

In business, the main focus is often on the bottom line, and things like relationships get pushed to the back burner. But relationships are important in business, whether you are talking about relationships with your customers, your team members, or even yourself.

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Managers’ alert - the cost of not delegating

By Drake Editorial Team

If you are a manager, you are probably trying to keep a whole host of tasks and projects moving forward at the same time. You probably know that you could achieve more if you were to delegate more. 

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