
Team Building


Changing minds —the Hallmark of management excellence

By Drake Editorial Team

One significant aspect of a successful manager is the ability to “change people’s minds”. It would be nice if employees in the manager’s business unit just followed instructions...

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Signal to noise ratio

By David Huggins

It’s a term often used to describe the conditions when an electronically transmitted message can’t be understood because interference overwhelms it...

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Why good leaders learn from their mistakes

By Drake Editorial Team

John C. Maxwell once stated. "A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them." When we talk about Leadership, Taking Ownership is the most...

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The signs of the unsuccessful do you know them?

By Drew Stevens

There are times when wonders never cease to amaze me. I have built numerous alliances in my many years of business with some of these hosting my products....

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Will you change – really?

By David Huggins

Perhaps the greatest challenge to organizations today is their ability to change to meet the demands of evolving markets. Since the stakes are extremely high it would be reasonable...

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The 8 things your staff dislike about you

By Dr. Rhonda

As the boss, are you bringing your personal life to work? Are you often grumpy? You may have pet peeves about your staff, but they have pet peeves about you too. Find out the 8 things your staff dislikes about you...

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