
HR Consulting (Taas)


Focus on: high potential talent

By Drake Editorial Team

The key to an organization’s growth strategy and success is identifying and attracting high-potential talent...

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Identifying high-potential talent in the workplace

By Drake Editorial Team

The key to an organization’s growth strategy and success is identifying and attracting high-potential talent...

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It all starts with a talent management strategy (Sherry Fox for Technology Evaluation Centers)

By Sherry Fox

People are the most important resource in our global economy...

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How to hire the right talent

By Marsha Lindquist

You probably think good talent is hard to find these days. You may even be frustrated with, and tired of, the process you have to go through every time you need to add help...

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HR 2020: we need data scientists now

By Dave Miller

The usual challenges emerge: HR is too process oriented; HR is not commercially savvy enough; HR doesn’t think in numbers or data terms; HR has issues truly demonstrating the value of what they do...

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Top five metrics for workforce analytics — data-driven formulas to improve your profitability

By Drake Editorial Team

In restructuring, retrenching, or downsizing, organizations often react without thinking, planning, or considering the optimal workforce size and structure.

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