2011-07-07 09:37:57

Team building magic, part 2

Drake Editorial Team

This is part 2 of a 5 part article courtesy of Drake International. 


The Secret Behind High Performing Teams

The Rare and Coveted "High Performing Team"

A high performing team is a team that performs at an elite level, achieving extraordinary results, time and again. Team building is not seen as a separate activity but is integrated into every action, interaction and communication.


High Performing Team:

  • Has a clear and unifying goal for which each team member has passion
  • Each member of the team is doing what they love to do - leveraging their gifts and talents
  • Is solution focused—always asking the question, “How can we?”
  • Consistently achieves extraordinary results • Positive, exciting, engaging team culture that supports the free flow of ideas and creativity
  • Team members regularly acknowledge each other’s contributions and also deliver honest, timely feedback in the spirit of continuous improvement
  • Team members make the effort to get to know each other very well
  • Demonstrate high levels of trust in each other


Under-Performing Team:

  • Team goal is unclear so individual goals become paramount (e.g. getting a promotion)
  • Work is not enjoyable; it becomes a boring, necessary evil
  • Problem focused; always looking for what will go wrong and all the reasons for “why we can’t”
  • Business results are mediocre at best and often go unmeasured
  • Negative, blame-based culture that stifles new ideas due to the fear of “looking bad”
  • Team members regularly engage in “closed door sessions” and complaining around the water cooler about the work and each other
  • Team members stay distant, choosing not to get to know each other outside of roles/functions
  • Demonstrate low levels of trust in the motivations and intentions of other team members

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10 Tips for Writing Job Ads in a Candidate Tight M...

Drake Editorial Team

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