
HR Consulting (Taas)


You are richer than you think part 1

By Eric Fraterman

I am obviously of the view that the road to success for great customer service and experience excellence goes through People Management that is aligned with strategies that make customer service and customer experience into a sustainable strategic differentiator.

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OH&S challenges in the workplace

By Kathleen Collins

I recently hosted a webinar on the Fundamentals of Job Hazard Assessments and after following up with some of the viewers from across North America...

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Statistics are powerful

By Drake Editorial Team

This is something every writer knows, teachers embrace and politicians abuse. Leaders and managers are also very sensitive to the power of numbers, although they may not always use them wisely.

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Do you know how to reach your market

By Drew Stevens

Anyone in business today must realize whether they are in their own business such as chiropractic or consulting or they sell for a living, they must divide the market into smaller sections.

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Memories: are you making them with clients?

By Drew Stevens

Did you ever wonder why the phone does not ring? Do you ever panic when prospective individuals ask you what you do and your struggle with your delivery?

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Raising the bar in online testing

By Drake Editorial Team

The growth of distance education and remote testing options has created the need for the online proctoring of test takers...

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