
HR Consulting (Taas)


Do you have data phobia?

By Drake Editorial Team

Incorporating data analytics in your HR practices allows you to contribute to your organization’s strategy and bottom-line through data-driven decisions...

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Think small. Small things make a big difference in employee engagement

By Drake Editorial Team

While there’s a natural tendency to want to “think big” in business, effective management is actually the result of thinking small.

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Eight rules for hiring smart

By Drake Editorial Team

Hiring smart is productive, not doing so is unproductive. The most common, and fatal, hiring mistake is to find someone with the right skills but the wrong mind-set (attitude) and hire them on the theory, "We can change them."

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How leaders can help develop customer service strategies

By Drake Editorial Team

Research has proven that businesses that aim to be more customer-centric have a 24% higher net profit, and have a higher profit per employee than ‘the other guys’ (those that aren’t customer focused).

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Building synergy in teams

By Drake Editorial Team

Team effectiveness is a prevalent topic in many business conversations, especially as companies explore new ways of working. Virtual teams, flexible work environments, restructuring through mergers and acquisitions...

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Rid yourself of analysis paralysis

By Drake Editorial Team

Have you ever found yourself endlessly obsessing over an issue, unable to move beyond it? When dealing with a problem..., do you ever have dozens of seemingly unanswerable questions swirling around your brain?

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